Brighton Girls Cross Country

Hey everyone, my name is Elle Bissett. I am a senior captain this year at Brighton High School and began running cross country in 3rd grade. I started running because of how accomplished it makes me feel. Additionally, it gave me the opportunity to get close with my family. Whether I am just going on a mileage run with my dad or running a family 5k when I was four, I have always loved getting outside and running. However, being on Brighton cross country has made me love the sport even more. Running with teammates and pushing each other to be the best we can be, is a feeling that will always be remembered. All the long runs, hard workouts, and mileage runs have brought me to where I am today and I am beyond thankful to my coaches and teammates that pushed me along the way, even when it wasn’t easy! In my spare time I love to travel, swim, and be outside in nature. I also love taking trips up north to ski and hike. I am so excited to see what we have in store for this year and share more unforgettable memories with this team.

Hello! My name is Samantha Hanna and I’ve been running for 6 years. I was first inspired to run by my older brothers, who both ran on the boys cross country team. Cross country is my favorite sport by far and I’m so so excited for this upcoming season. This sport has helped teach me discipline and hard work while also showing me what it’s like to be apart of a team. Through cross country I’ve learned how to push myself when things get hard, rather than give up. Another special thing is our team dynamic. This team is like no other and I love how close we all are. I’m super excited to watch everyone develop as the season goes on and can’t wait to see what everyone achieves!

Hi! My name is Mo Mangan and I am a senior this year. I began running cross country in 8th grade.
Before running, I was a swimmer and I even did dual sporting during my sophomore year! I fell in love with running and now here I am running in my 3rd season of high school! Running is great because your hard work is directly reflected in your times and you can always push yourself to get faster. I am so hopeful for this cross country season and I'm excited to help guide this team to success in our championship meets! This sport has helped me grow both mentally and physically strong. From the nerves at the start of the race to the adrenaline rush at the end, I truly enjoy the sport of running. I'm so grateful to be apart of a team made up of amazing girls. I can't wait to see what the season will bring! Let's go dogs!

Hi! My name is Maizie Cavanaugh and I am a junior on the Brighton Cross Country Team. I started running in 7th grade in order to stay in shape for basketball and soccer. I soon realized my love for cross country and have been running ever since. Whether it’s completing an easy 3 mile run or a difficult race, running has helped to fuel my competitiveness. I love being able to work towards my goals and having a team alongside me makes it 100x better. The strive for greatness is something we all share and being able to push one another to be our best selves is such a rewarding feeling. I’m excited to watch us as we grow as both individuals and a team and cannot wait to see where our hard work takes us this year!