Former Assistant Coaches

Krys (right) began assisting Coach Meehan in 2007 when her daughter started running cross country for Brighton. She continued through 2021, well past her daughter's time on the team. She was known as "Mama Brish" because of her caring, supportive and loving style of coaching. Krys was a mentor to all the girls and represented all the great things they could one day do with their running. She is an avid marathon runner, professional marathon pacer and triathlete. We appreciate all her time and dedication to Brighton Cross Country.
Shelly (left) began assisting Coach Kristi in 2012 when her daughter started running cross country for Brighton, just like Krys. She also continued past her daughter graduating through 2021. The girls called her Coach Shelly and she was best known for her thoughtful conversations, savvy insight and competitive spirit. She was a mentor to all the girls. Shelly grew up running cross country, was a U.P. State Champion as a freshman and continues to run and race. We appreciate all her time and dedication to Brighton Cross Country.